Welcome to the "What's This?" Website!
15 Jun 2007 - By: jfade
Category: News - Views: 1273 - Comments: 0

Hello, and welcome to the shiny new website for the "What's This?" Webcomic! In case you're wondering what on Earth this is, it's just another venture by that crazy jfade guy of DJS Sims.

Fortunately, unlike most other crazy ventures, this one has actually been worth it! So far, I've greatly enjoyed making the comics. I've got about 2 weeks worth finished already, and I'm working on more.

So, what are you waiting for? Start clicking things on the menu above until you find the thing you're looking for!

At this point the FAQ and Characters pages are both kinda ... empty, but that's cause there's really nothing to put on them as of yet. Working on that though. :P

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